LI Singh

The Technological advancement in Agriculture - Horticulture and Allied Sector has been phenomenal in the recent years as expected. The traditional concept of cultivation of Agri – Horti. Crops with application of chemical – fertilizers are replacing by organic concept now-a-days and gain its popularity slowly but steadily.

The “Hmar Agro Organic Producer Company”, a registered organisation located at Hmarkhawlien, Lakhipur, Cachar is very closely associated with the Dept. of Horticulture and rendering its sincere efforts on Organic Cultivation of Pineapple by Establishing FPO and concentrate its man power with Market Led Activities and value chain development of Pineapple all over India and even to the Abroad. The quality of Organic Pineapple of Hmarkhawlien has taken its space in the world market for its flavour and sweetness; while it also export Pineapple to the International Market at Dubai during 2019-20 which is considered as a great achievement of the Pineapple Producers despite so many constraints they are usually facing of which inadequate financial aids and lack of informatics knowledge on modern technology are specifically mentionable.

It gives me an immense pleasure to know that the “Hmar Agro Organic Producer Company” is going to launch a website of its own, which will definitely explore more and more possibilities to the Pineapples growing Farmers of our locality, to go ahead with their sustained effort and to develop their skills to the optimum level by having all relevant informatic knowledge of modern era through this website, which will also help in marketing of their product and produces in the World Market and thereby creates employment generation which in turn ensure its contribution to the upliftment of Economic stability of our rural population.
I wish all success of the vision and mission of “Hmar Agro Organic Producer Company”.
                                                                                (L. I. Singh)
                                                                              District Agriculture Officer
                                                                                       Silchar, Cachar
  Dated: Silchar
The 4th June 2020

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