Cachar DC Visited Pineapple Village Hmarkhawlien

To take stock of the condition of pineapple growers in Hmarkhawlien under Lakhipur constituency and streamline the supply chain logistics, Cachar Deputy Commissioner Keerthi Jalli visited the pineapple garden on 18th June. She visited pineapple garden and office of the HAOPCL and discussed with them prospect of marketing during the crisis period of COVID - 19. Along with officials from the district Agriculture department, Jalli went around the garden and met the office bearers of Hmar Organic Growers. She enquired about the production patterns and discussed the prospects of marketing amidst COVID-19. “It was good to discover that the entire pineapple farming of Lakhipur is organic. This aspect has huge potential. Due to the lockdown, the farmers are facing issues. We will take up work on streamlining the supply chain logistics,” Jalli said.

Deputy Commissioner also visited Mini Fruits Processing Unit at Village Nayagram Lakhipur. On the way she also visited main field preparation by utilization of tractor under CMSGUY in Demo plot of Hybrid paddy under Departmental scheme Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Yojana.

The pineapple season begins from mid May and will last till August. The Hmar Agro Organic Producer Company Limited has been exporting kew pineapple in local market and even abroad. Interested buyers can now reach the company for further marketing deals through this website.

Hmarkhawlien Pineapple

Hmarkhawlien Pineapple
Cachar DC Keerthi Jalli visited Hmarkhawlien Pineapple
Pineapple Company cachar DC
Hmar Pineapple Company
Cachar DC Keerthi Jalli visited Hmarkhawlien Pineapple


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